Awarded Signature Membership in American Impressionist Society
It is a big honor to be awarded this distinction. 14% of members have reached Signature status in this exciting organization.
Bright Winter Morning in PAPNM’s Winter Light Show!!
This is an 8x10 oil painted in plein air, shivering the whole time.
Morning Shadows on the Sandias juried into the prestigious Oil Painters of America Western Regional Show at Phippen Museum!
The Phippen Museum is honored to host the Oil Painters of America’s 2024 Western Regional Exhibition from October 12th, 2024, through January 5th, 2025!
Southwest Award of Excellence
American Impressionist Society National Show 2024, Judge of Awards Carolyn Anderson.
Rockport Art Museum, Rockport, Massachusetts
Joe Anna Arnett Award
Judge Kathleen Hudson awarded “The Walking Path” this memorial award at the 2024 Plein Air Painters of New Mexico National Show at Legends of the West Fine Art Gallery in Santa Fe, NM
Landscape Award of Excellence Oil Painters of America National Salon Show 2024
Golden Horizon, 12x16, oil
Three Paintings Chosen for “Top 100” in Nov 2023 PleinAir Salon
Pond Up North, 10x12, oil, Wyoming Plains, 16x20, oil and The Pinnacles 11x14, oil were selected by Judge Skip Whitcomb.
Honorable Mention- Landscape
PleinAir Salon November 2023
Judge: Skip Whitcomb
Wyoming Plains, 16x20, oil
Five to Watch by Alison Malafronte in Fine Art Connoisseur Nov/Dec 2023
This article explores part of my life story and how I was drawn into creating art. My father died when I was a teenager, and the grief I felt at his death seemed to expand my perception of Beauty. Seeing Beauty restored me. After that experience, I wanted to learn how to see more deeply and create art that expressed the aliveness and connection to life that Beauty brings.
PleinAir Magazine October/November 2023
From the Bridge, 12x16 featured as Second Palce Overall in June 2023 PleinAir Salon international competition!
Oil Painters of America Western Regional Show
A Cloud Dance, 16x20, oil
OPA’s 2023 Western Regional Exhibition is being hosted by Brushworks Gallery, located in Salt Lake City, Utah, October 1 through October 31, 2023.
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Show Dates
October 6, 2023 1:00 pm - October 31, 2023
Plein Air Painters of New Mexico National Show
The Rise of Dreams, 10x8, oil, plein air, is in the National Show at Legends of the West Gallery in Santa Fe, NM!
Top 100 Finalist
A Cloud Dance,, 16x20, ,oil, placed in the Top 100 out close to 1000 international entries in the July 2023 Salon! Judge Kevin Macpherson.
Top 100 Finalist
Worth the Hike- Louie Lake,, 20x16 ,oil, placed in the Top 100 out close to 1000 international entries in the July 2023 Salon! Judge Kevin Macpherson.
Top 100 Finalist
Crackling Cold on the Rio Grande, 12x16, oil, placed in the Top 100 out close to 1000 international entries in the July 2023 Salon! Judge Kevin Macpherson.
Second Place Overall in PleinAir Magazine’s Plein Air Salon Competition! July 2023
“From the Bridge”, 12x16, oil won this award out of over one thousand international entries.
American Impressionist National Exhibition 2023
Worth the Hike to Louie Lake
20x16 Oil on Linen
This painting is going to the AIS National Show
August 3- September 2
Somerville Manning Gallery,
Greenville, Delaware
Morning Cliffs Wins MasterWorks Award
Morning Cliffs, 16x20, oil, won 3rd place at the Masterworks Show at the Hispanic Building at the NM Expo!
Best in Show Award
Jill Carver, Judge of Awards, chose “From The Bridge”, oil, 12”x16” to receive Best in Show at the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico National Exhibition at Sorrel Sky Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I am so honored to receive this award from one of my favorite artists! November 2021.
Award of Excellence Oil Painters of America National Salon Show
“The Pinnacles”, 11x14” won The Award of Excellence. Judge: Charles Young Walls
Oil Painters of America National Salon Show 2021in Georgia
The Pinnacles, 11’x14”, oil, has been juried into this prestigious show in the Quinlan Visual Arts Center, Gainesville, Georgia!
Awarded Signature Membership in Oil Painters of America
Artist in Residence at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico
October 2020 was a month of great freedom and exploration for me at Ghost Ranch. My studio was the fierce landscape of Ghost Ranch and its surroundings!
Best of Signature Award
Slide from Awards Ceremony with comment by Judge Lorenzo Chavez
Best of Signature Members Award at Plein Air Painters of New Mexico National Exhibition!
Cliff Faces, oil, 8”x16” received this award from esteemed Judge Lorenzo Chavez
Plein Air Painters of New Mexico National Exhibition
“Cliff Faces”, oil, 8”x16” and “Looking Up”, oil, 12”x9” were juried into this great show.
Oil Painters of America National Exhibition
“Crackling Cold on the Rio Grande” is in the exhibition hosted by RS Hanna Gallery, Fredericksburg, Texas
Juried into Women Artists of the West!
I have been juried into the prestigious group of badass women artists of the west as an associate member. So thrilled to be joining this group.
Oil Painters of America Western Regional Exhibition 2020
“ A Thousand Faces”, 16” x 20” at Illume Gallery of Fine Art, St. George , Utah www.illumegalleryoffineartshows/opa/
Contact Jane at 801-210-2853
I am honored to share that I have been juried into this exhibition! It is a wonderful show every year! I have four paintings in the show.
February 2, 2020
Taos Plein Air Juried Show at the E.L. Blumenschein Museum, Taos, NM
I have two paintings in this wonderful exhibition showcasing the deep roots of plein air painting in Taos.
A Winter Invitational Exhibition in the Fechin Studio
An Exhibition of Paintings by the Signature and Master Members of the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico (PAPNM) by the Taos Art Museum. I am a Signature member of PAPNM.
October 4th, 2019
Figurative Award PAPNM 11th Annual National Members Juried Show
Judge Peggi Kroll Roberts selected my painting “Diggin’ It” as winner for the Figurative Award! It will be on view at Santa Fe Art Collector’s Gallery through October 27, 2019.
October 2019
PAPNM 11th Annual Juried Members Show
Arts Thrive 2019
Award of Excellence
It’s an honor to announce that one of my newest paintings, “Tres Pistoles” was given an Award of Excellence at the Taos Art Museum at Fechin House for the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico Juried Small Paintings Show.
Show is on view through August 4th at the lovely Fechin House on Paseo del Peralta in Taos, NM, so please stop by if you are in the area!
I am pleased to announce “Raking Light at Ghost Ranch” awarded Honorable Mention in OPA’s Spring 2019 Showcase
See the work and the other talented artist’s work here:
Named a 2019 “Artist to Watch”
I’m honored to have been selected by Southwest Art Magazine as an artist to watch. You can read the entire article here:
PAPNM Jemez Springs Paintout & Show
April 26 - May 23, 2019
I have the great honor of judging what will be an amazing show of talent in beautiful Jemez, NM!
Paintout Period: April 26-May1
Opening Reception: May 4, 1-4pm
Exhibition: May 4-May 23
I will also be teaching a workshop from April 23-25. Please come join me for an amazing artistic experience!
Master Works of New Mexico 21st Annual Show
March 30th - April 20th, 2019 at the EXPO New Mexico Arts Building.
I’m excited to announce my painting “Joy” was selected to be shown alongside many talented NM-based artists!
ArtsThrive: Art Exhibition & Benefit Oct. 19 - Dec. 2
I have been invited as one of 100 artists to exhibit this fall at the Albuquerque Museum as part of their ArtsThrive Exhibition & Benefit October 19th - December 2nd. I have been selected for the special honor of being one of seven artists asked to display large format work. Stay tuned for more info!
“Best of Show”Award Plein Air Painters of New Mexico National Juried Exhibition Nov. 2018
Sorrel Sky Gallery in Santa Fe, NM
Friday Nov. 2nd, 2018 - Sunday Nov. 28th, 2018
Opening Reception & Awards Presentation:
Friday, Nov. 2nd 5-7pm
Judge: Ray Roberts
Award of Excellence Oil Painters of America National Exhibition 2012
“California Coast” won an Award of Excellence! Judge: Quang Ho
Evergreen Fine Art Gallery, Evergreen, CO
Plein Air Painters of New Mexico 2019 Signature Exhibition
Taos Art Museum at Fechin House,
November 5, 2019 - March 31, 2019.
Opening reception Nov. 10th 3-5 pm at Fechin House in Taos.
Stay tuned for more information nearer to the event date!
The Son of Man Has No Place to Lay His Head
From the archives… this portrait toured the country with a group of ten paintings in the Jesus 2000 Exhibition. I made this portrait of a homeless man in Albuquerque. It was a profound experience of connection. Pastel, 19x14.